1. Right to representation. The University shall recognize the right of the students to be represented, through the Supreme Student Council, in all policy-making bodies and disciplinary boards handling issues that affect them.

2. Right to organization. Every student has the right to form, assist, or join any recognized or duly-accredited student organization/s on campus. Fraternities and sororities are not recognized and prohibited on campus.

3. Right of information

a. The Supreme Student Council and the Review shall have access to the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors and the Academic Board that deal with student issues and concerns. Copies may be provided upon written request.
b. The University shall post on the bulletin boards all policies pertaining tuition fees, special fees and/or other assessments prior to and after their approval. Students may be represented in the deliberation and formulation of policies that affect the students.
c. Students have the right to be informed by their instructors of their class standing not later than two weeks after their major examinations. They also have the right to see their graded quizzes and other work which will have bearing on their grades before the final examinations.
d. Transparency shall be practiced by the administration involving financial records of student organizations and publication.

4. Right to human dignity. Every student has the right to be treated fairly with kindness, sympathy, and compassion as befits all human being No student shall be subjected to any punishment that may be considered cruel or degrading. Neither shall any student be subjected to corporal punishment.

5. Right to due process – both procedural and substantive due process.

6. Right to freedom of expression and opinion

a. No student shall be penalized from the University for writing articles critical to the administration and the faculty of instruction except if the purpose of the article is malicious in character.
b. No student shall be punished from writing articles that criticize policies of the University and acts that run contrary to the mission and objectives of the University.
c. All students shall have the right to file a complaint against any member of the academic community for malpractices and abuses.

7. Prohibition against involuntary contribution. Unless approved by the University President and recommended by the Vice-President for Academic Affairs and the Dean of Student Affairs, the Supreme Student Council and student organizations shall not impose involuntary contributions against students.

8. Access to school records and issuance of official certificates. Every student shall have access to his/her own school records, the confidentiality of which shall be maintained by the school. He shall have the right to be issued official certificates, diplomas, transcript of records, grades, transfer credentials, and other similar documents upon the student’s request subject to the clearance from obligations and liabilities.

9. Freedom to exercise one’s religious beliefs, provided that the intended activities are communicated and approved by proper authorities in the University.


The Education Act of 1982 states that students shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

1. To exert their utmost in the development of their potentialities for service, particularly by undergoing education suited to their abilities so they may be assets to their families and their society

2. To uphold the academic integrity of the school, achieve academic excellence, and abide by the school rules and regulations governing their academic responsibilities and moral integrity

3. To promote and maintain the peace and tranquility of the school by observing the school rules of discipline and by exerting effort to the attainment of harmonious relationships with fellow students, the faculty, and other school personnel

4. To participate actively in civic affairs, particularly in the socio-economic and cultural development of the community, toward the attainment of a just, compassionate, and orderly society; and

5. To exercise their rights knowing that they are answerable for any violation of the rights of others.


1. Students should respect authority and obey all reasonable orders of University personnel vested with authority. In all dealings with University officials and employees, students shall be polite and observe proper etiquette (or decorum).

2. Serious conflicts between students must be brought to the attention of the Dean of Student Affairs. By no means may a student resolve conflicts by violent, uncharitable or uncivilized means.

3. The student should refrain from using words that are offensive, vulgar, indecent or blasphemous in nature on campus.

4. Silence should be strictly observed in the library. Unnecessary noise should also be avoided in classrooms and along corridors.

5. Any student, who molests anyone, disturbs or disrupts classes or meetings or in any way causes a serious disturbance within the campus may be subject to preventive suspension without prejudice to proper disciplinary action.

6. Every student is expected to respect their fellow students and avoid bullying.

7. Students taking part in demonstrations resulting in violence or disturbance of classes or other legitimate school activities shall be held administratively and/or criminally liable.

8. Students who are under the influence of liquor or narcotics may be refused entry into or be removed from school premises.

9. Students are strongly urged to keep the campus clean and tidy. Spitting in public, littering and all acts of vandalism are prohibited.

10. Smoking including e-cigarettes/vapes inside the campus is strictly prohibited

11. Selling or peddling of edibles, cosmetics and other dry goods within the campus is strictly prohibited except during special events and when allowed by proper authorities.

12.To facilitate pedestrian traffic within the campus, instructions and regulations adopted along walkways, corridors and streets should be observed by every student.

13. Students are expected to show respect to all visitors in the campus.

14. Each student is required to wear his/her identification card, duly-validated for the current term, on his/her/her chest at all times within the school premises. Failure to wear or surrender the ID when requested by authorized officials may be subject to disciplinary action.

15. During class days, students must wear their prescribed uniforms or dress codes except:

a. Graduate School and College of Law students who are subject to their own respective dress codes,

b. Expectant mothers,

c. Those permanently employed in an outside office during the day,

d. Those with other valid reasons as authorized by the Dean of Student Affairs.
Students are allowed to wear casual clothing on Wednesdays and Saturdays subject to the prescribed dress code. No cross-dressing shall be allowed on campus.

16. All students should adhere to conventional good grooming and hygiene.

17. No collections of any kind may be made in the campus without authority from the President.

18. Any form of gambling is not allowed inside the school campus. Any violator to this/her act shall be subjected to disciplinary action.

19. Notices, memoranda, and announcements may only be posted on bulletin boards with prior approval from the President through the Quality Assurance Office. Posters of outside agencies can be displayed particularly if these do not involve the sale of tickets
and are of students’ interest, however, these are subject to the discretion of the Administration.

20. The handing out and giving away of any reading matter within the campus shall be allowed only with the written permission from proper authorities through the DSA.

21. Before opinion surveys, answer sheet questionnaires and the like can be distributed to the students to be answered, these should be presented first to the Dean of Student Affairs for approval.


1. A student is always identified with the school he/she is enrolled. He/she has the responsibility to protect the good image of Northwestern University.

2. No student should use the name of the school without proper authorization in written form from the University authorities.

3. The student has the right to exercise his/her right as a citizen in any off-campus activity without impairing his/her standing in the institution provided that he/she does not claim to represent Northwestern University.

4. Students should exercise prudence and caution in their co-curricular or non-curricular activities. Only duly- approved activities shall be undertaken and participated by students.

5. Any unacceptable or illegal act or acts involving a student or two or more students shall first be brought to the University.