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Student Services
Co-Curricular Programs and Activities

The university empowers students to attain their goals toward total development/self-realization by providing them with co-curricular, extra-classroom activities, and opportunities and challenges that will foster valuable community and school involvement; encourage an intellectual, cultural, and social climate which develops leadership and social interaction skills to make them globally competitive , upright, and discipline individuals.

Supreme Student Council

The university recognizes according to democratic procedures, the Supreme Student Council as the only legitimate representative of the student body to the administration, to the academe and to the non-academe of Northwestern University.


The REVIEW, a student publication is published by the student body and as such, should meet the needs and interest of the whole studentry. It encourages creativeness in writing and serves as a training ground and laboratory for future journalist. It is also a means of strengthening ethical values and developing moral character and personal discipline among students.

Campus Organizations

Students have the right to form organizations in the campus, under the law, and according to the objectives and regulations of Northwestern University and to seek recognition for such organizations.

Cultural Affairs

The Cultural Affairs Office provides training ground for students who excel in the field of arts and culture and avail of tuition fee discounts during the period of membership.


Admissions Office through the Records Office is responsible for pre-admission advising, processing of application for admissions, admitting eligible applicants and registering students in class, establishing and maintaining academic records of students. The office also facilitates the processing of applications for withdrawal and/or transfer credentials and other
student records.

The Testing and Evaluation Office evaluates students academic records for graduation, scholarship and for purposes of implementing the retention policy.